Virtual Norwegian
ForumNewsNews300,000 flights!
300,000 flights!
By NOZ106 Anders Moen
December 17, 2022 in News
NOZ106 Anders Moen, 17 Dec 2022
vNorwegian Staff
Senior Captain
362 posts
1000 flights
1274:51 hours


Although we're a bit behind, here we go!


After a couple of years with noticeable less activity due to Covid-19, the activity has finally begun to rise again - which we think is really awesome!

This activity has increased number of flights quite a lot again lately, and with that we passed 300,000 flights* a few days ago.


We would like to thank all of our current and previous members for making this happen!


Since Jan Tore and myself took over vNorwegian back in 2009, we have seen Virtual Norwegian rise well beyond our wildest imagination, and we are very proud of what we have accomplished over the years. But remember, it couldn't have happened without YOU on board, so thank you! <3


Flight number 300,000 was performed by NAX3435 Mathias. The flight was DY422 from ENGM/OSL to ENML/MOL. Congratulations!



* Counted since October 2009.
Since we began counting, you have an average of ~23,000 flights every year  - awesome!